happy 79th
4th November 1930
You would have turned 79 today. Not so much haze blurring my mind this morning. I still remember what happened on this date last year; we gave you a card, it's still in your room, all the tudungs Mama bought for you that you have not gotten the chance to wear them all, and also the days that came after that. The pain, the waiting, the longing, until it all came to a halt. I have missed you for the last 349 days and I don't think it will ever stop. Happy birthday my darling, I hope you're in the happiest state you have ever been. Love you forever, Nek.
"Today is someone's special birthday. May Allah take care of you." (Azizah Mohd, 2009)
You would have turned 79 today. Not so much haze blurring my mind this morning. I still remember what happened on this date last year; we gave you a card, it's still in your room, all the tudungs Mama bought for you that you have not gotten the chance to wear them all, and also the days that came after that. The pain, the waiting, the longing, until it all came to a halt. I have missed you for the last 349 days and I don't think it will ever stop. Happy birthday my darling, I hope you're in the happiest state you have ever been. Love you forever, Nek.
2 tissues:
my humble al-fatihah for her. =) take care, you.
aww thank u Nee-chan. really appreciate it. u take care too :)
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