#5 you know what's...
...annoyingly and typically irresistable?
Vampires on tv. I am now addicted to The Vampire Diaries, since HBO keep censoring and cutting off scenes in True Blood and Moonlight is defunct and won't seem to be renewing its series for a second season anytime soon.
Stefan Salvatore looks so much like Robert Pattinson, with the hair and brooding stare but the books came out way before Twilight, so maybe Stefan was inspired by Edward's look but nevertheless, Stefan is holding his own.

Stefan and Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder!!!!)
(they come close to the Winchester brothers but oh no no, never will replace my Dean and Sam)
See what I mean about holding his own? Okay, maybe this picture does not do justice. You gotta watch to know what I'm talking about.
I'll be waiting for more of them next week! cannot wait hee.
3 tissues:
My housemate is downloading this. Watched the first 2 episodes. It's kinda good. Not too corny. XD
once, i came across robert patti on a scene smooching another dude. yupp, gay indeed. this may have nothing to do with your post, but i thought of just provoking. hahah~
sheikh, yaa i thought it was corny tau. like just another vampire series. but it kinda scares me tauu. ok not kind of, it has me sitting on the edge of my seat! scaryyy. but d brothers are too cute to resist hehehehe
hern, hahahaha reallyyy. i ade dgr he was in this gay movie. i hope he portrayed it genuinely hehehe
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