hey there pretty ladies


Natasha Khan aka Bat For Lashes

They are both talented in their own way, I love their music, how they can sound so obscure and sensual and cute at the same time. But oddly enough, I find myself attracted to their hair. Yes, their mane. They look so pretty and soft and they just lie there, on their shoulders, bangs side swept over one eye. Cool.

Yes, this post is on people's hair. I'm sorry, I'm getting weirder by the day.

2 tissues:

Si Penanya (?) said...

eh awak (saya harap awak gadis dalam gambar di atas.. tolonglah)... kenapa awak link blog saya kat Lovely Teslians? awak buat saya kecewa sebab dulu saya nak masuk TESL tp interview tercakap bahasa Siam..

Nashrah Khan said...

oh man, mintak maaf en naza. well, sy bkn gadis cam gmbr di atas, tp name nk dkt same, bley terime? haha ok sory, dah melencong. ok actualy sy xtau nk categorizekan awk bwh mane since ur d only 1 yg lain course and bkn kwn skola dan bkn family. hmm xpelaa kaann? heee :)