I have no idea what I want at this point of time. Absolutely no idea. I'm like a robot; I finish my tasks because they are what they are and if I don't complete them on time, I basically will not graduate. But my goals and vision and wants and needs are blurry. Maybe I need night vision goggles.
2 tissues:
nash i'm just like u. i think i'm worse. i got the interview for tpm but i don't know if i wanna end up being a lecturer. so rite now, all i know is i don't really care about tpm.
Omg bestnya wan! but dia jd tak best bila u tak sure kan? :s but ur so lucky :) i cam sedih tak dpt any emails when i dgr org lain dpt. mayb u bley try career counselling? I cam teringin nak jumpa counselor. mayb they can make things clearer for u :)
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