
I'm not one to know much about fashion, though I do check out what's in and hot occasionally to see what the fashion gurus have created or predicted on what style/ pattern will come out next. It's fun and it doesn't hurt to know and learn, aside from educational pedagogy (Teslians learn this, blah) or boring methodological terms. we learn in college/ school. Fashion is a whole different thing, and can definitely keep my peepers open if lecturers suddenly bring out the topic in class. Anyway, speaking about patterns, there's one that was considered to be tacky once upon a time, but is now seen as the hottest thing to wear and that is: LEOPARD PRINT! 

People close to me know how much I insanely love it. Any leopard printed item will catch my eye in a flash. I just think it sums up classy chic (if worn accordingly), with a bit of an edge. Too much can make one look trashy :s But isn't my former opinion convenient? Since I'm still a student and can't afford to buy much, I start to make this penchant of mine a collection. So far, I've collected 7 items and I just realized it today that almost all of them are bought overseas. Does this show that stores in Malaysia do not sell that many (affordable) leopard printed clothing? I think so..Frankly, I've only found such items online and hardly offline. There are some but they don't vary much and are pricey for my liking. :s

Here are some pictures I took.

Bag: Jakarta
Sunglasses: Korea
Handphone pouch: Korea (got it for free!)
Pashmina shawl: Hong Kong
Kurung cotton: Vietnam
Makeup pouch/ Pencil case: Gift from Mary! 
The real gift was inside the pouch btw he he.
Crocs: not in picture. (Too lazy to get it from the shoe closet downstairs hee)

My love for leopard seems to grow and fueled (by what, I have no idea) every single day. I can't help myself; it's just so pretty you know? :s 

Some of leopard-printed items I've come across online (and that make me so geram because they are either sold out/ expensive:



Well, this is my fetish. What's yours? :)

3 tissues:

Azie Nazri said...

Nashrah! I bought this beautiful leopard print jersey fabric almost a year ago. And I sewed it into a scarf to be made as a tudung. And though it is cantik, I still tak berani pakai keluar hahaha. Sebab rasa cam striking sangat! And it would only look nice with a plain colour outfit. Maybe one day :P

Nashrah Khan said...

Azie, wear it! mesti so cantik! i think it's bold but not too showy. would love to see it one day :)

Safynaz, hey thanks for dropping by! haha like the reaction!