there is no such thing as too many vampires.

True Blood is coming!
True Blood is coming!
This Thursday!
At 10 p.m!
At channel 412 on Astro!
My wish came true!
p.p.s: it's been ages since I've watched Astro! how sad since I have it on all the time in this house. Guess I was really into those assignments hahaha.
5 tissues:
p.p.p.s.s: if only my house have Cinemax instead of RTM 1....blergghhh
nak balik rmh tgk ASTRO!!!
remember when i told u that i downloaded back then? i watched 2 episodes n quit.. everything was so visual n there were way too many love scenes that i freaked out.. hopefully i can b able to watch it on tv because i'm pretty sure they'll be cutting out all of those scenes.. huhu..
sheikh/afiq, ala xpe2. i pun dah lame gileee x tgk astro padehal my sister slalu bkk. dah xde perasaan nk tgk tv except for channel2 biase je hehe. ni pun x sure i tgk ke x. hmphh. oh xpe, insyallah u akan dpt blk penang dlm mase yg terdkt lg! :)
aimi, whaaat? really? visual as in the gory details (blood, suck, blood gushing)? ughh and vivid love scenes ke? aaa cam geli and malu je nk tgk hahaha. yes i think cinemax will definitely cut all those scenes out. i really hope they do. ugh i want an adult vampire but not literally hehe
yes and yes. hehe :p even in the first episode.. i was nvr afraid of blood or find it icky, but after the 2 episodes, i swear i've gone 180 about it.. hehe :p
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