my love-hate relationship

"Lit, why are you doing this to me? I love you soo much.
But you keep giving me these mixed signals that I don't understand.
I thought we had this wonderful, mutual thing going on. Or was it just me? :(

Ok before you get your undies tied up in a bunch, Lit is actually short for literature. Perhaps you know that literature is one of my favourite subjects, perhaps you don't. Well, I love it to the extent that I love going to its classes too, Literature and Media and Literature in the ESL classroom. Between both, I prefer the former more even though the lecturer is so tough and strict in his marking, that he made me cry but my passion for the subject surpasses the fact that he made me cry. Well, yesterday class u4b took the second quiz and it was our last class for the semester. Alhamdulillah, I answered it with glee as the questions had been discussed earlier, both with Aina and Mr Kieran. And it actually saddens me to say bye bye to him and the three-hour dates Lit and I have watching movies and eating sweets and such.

Unfortunately today, my other Lit partner was not so lenient in his questions for me. He gave me only one hour and a half to answer 11 questions and he expected me to answer each question in one paragraph. 11 mucho hard, mind-boggling questions in just 90 minutes? Are you crazy? I applaud the other students who manage to think fast and answer all of the questions well. I was clearly not a fast thinker. My hope of getting an A seems really faraway and it also appears to be saying astalavista baby to me. Lit in Esl classroom or Litesl, you disappoint me. Why I ask you why? :((

But I don't blame you Lit. I know it's really me, not you. My love for you will never fade. You have my word. Till we meet again. kisseth and hugeth, Nashrah.

p.s: this is actually an attempt to cheer myself up. It kinda works.

2 tissues:

aina said...

babe,i ada byk sgt cite kat u.i see u everyday but we nvr get the chance to talk.remind me tmrw good and bad oness:/

Nashrah Khan said...

owh ok! i pun ade byk nk cite kat u jgk. cu tmrw tau. dtg clas jgn x dtg! :))