screw it

Does it seem too far-fetched of me to say that I no longer believe in marriage? Or love or fairytales, even happy endings? I realize now that I don't. I might regret saying this in 5 years' time or heck, maybe in a mere six more months or so, but as for right now, I really don't. I'm not saying I'm turning into a feminist or against guys or anything; I love my guy friends. I'm sure there are gurreat guys out there (yep sarcasm alert here) and a lot of you girls will find yourself hopelessly in love with your own prince charming. I just don't believe in it anymore. Love that is.

Well, good luck gals. I'm off the love boat. for now.

2 tissues:

aina said...

i dont believe in love too.lets just have loadsa eye candies from now on least they're good to looked at and they wont hurt us

hang in there's gonna be veryyyy hard but u just gotta hang on.dont think about it and surround urself with friends.


Nashrah Khan said...

aww thanks aina :) yes we shall have more and more eye candies to cuci our mata to. that will be more fun than getting your heart broken :/ oh i will definitely spend all my time with u guys, and of course studies. hmph.