this sucks!

Ya Allah, I thought I saw the end of him why did he pop out of nowhere and be all smiley and chain smoking in front of my face since when did they become friends anyway how can they even hang out together it's like really weird and i can't believe he would hang out with girls like that not that they are bad it's just plain weird and i don't know why i keep avoiding the website since it is a social networking site oh my i don't even know why i'm freaking out i just need to let this out somewhere thank God i've got a lot of friends on facebook and they're all actively uploading pictures and whatnot so the photos she uploaded is not in the news feed anymore so i don't have to see his face oh thank you thank you thank you i've never been so thankful for the amount of friends i have in facebook before oh thank youu!

3 tissues:

hajar :: aisyah said...

i've never read sumthing sooo im-out-of-breath posts~

*i would be speechless if knew about that,nash

Azie Nazri said...

social networking sites do that sometimes. i know how you feel.

but hey, gamba siti banyak kat my page. bet you'll feel better looking at them.


Sang Petapa said...

Huhu...i bley imagine how u'll be look like if u r talking...hihi...sabar ye nash...weee!!!