"That's pure O' Malley, baby"

Oh tiba-tiba bila cakap psl cats, teringat Aristocats. Do you remember that movie way back in 1970? We've all probably watched it in the '80's. And then this song,

"Everybody wants to be a cat,
Because a cat's the only cat
Who knows where it's at.
Everybody's pickin' up on that feline beat,
'Cause everything else is obsolete.."

I think that cat, Thomas O' Malley sang it. Comel hehe.

And then there were the kittens; Marie, Toulouse, and Berlioz

cuuttteee :)

Ok mmg tak ada kaitan but in moments of stress like what I'm experiencing right now, I can do anything. Cerita psl kucing la teaching la mcm-mcm ching la. I think this is the act of pleasing oneself; you know, talk about nonsense that makes you happy. Oh well, good luck guys.

4 tissues:

Anonymous said...

arghhh!!! i love the aristocats! they're so cute.. :)

hajar :: aisyah said...

oh mannn

me REALLY like that one..
nash, best2...

*nak kawin ngn o'Malley pleaasse~

Nashrah Khan said...

aimi, they are kan?? the kittens especially. geram btul cuz they're very manja hehe

Nashrah Khan said...

hajar, hehe best2 :D aah o'malley tu sgt charming hehe