oh it is love

Lately, I can see friends who seem to have this positive energy in them (cewah), their feet gliding lightly, their minds (konon cam psychic) and bodies seem to float up to cloud nine, not because they just had a can of RedBull or they didn't have much sleep the night before, but because they're in love. Sigh, it's so nice to see them happy. The feeling is strong, I bet we all have felt it. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside..Hold on to what you have, because I think when you love and you are loved, you'll become a better person. Not just to your significant other, but other people too. Hopefully all the luuurrrvee will spill on to us who are unlucky or are falling in and out of love. hehehhe.
2 tissues:
kan kan.
tedy sgt stuju.
love really makes my day.
nash, i love you !
hehehe comella teddy ni. oh i love u too! :D
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