my 20 most beautiful people

I saw this kind of post once in AfiqDeen's blog. (someone I totally don't know but his blog is one of my favourite reads. I prefer admirer than stalker here). I want to do the same too. (sibuk). But to make it different, I'm going to list more than 10.

The list is not in any specific order.

James Franco

Jeff Buckley

Jensen Ackles

Alexis Bledel

Rachel Bilson

Eva Green

Anne Hathaway

John Mayer

Mischa Barton

Alison Sudol

Keira Knightly

Chris Carrabba

Natalie Portman

Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

Jennifer Garner

Hilary Rhoda

James Dean

Charlotte Casiraghi

Marlon Brando

Mike Shinoda

17 tissues:

Romzi said...

I lurve anne hathaway! and thats a cute pose of jimmy!

irma-ain ibrahim said...

nashrah , (btl ke ejaan dia?)
mereka yg lelaki itu suma hensem dan sexy.
haha. xmau kalah tgk yg laki je.
xmau tgk yg pmpuan sbb tkt kutuk nati.
btw kutuk sbb jealousy bukan xsuka ye. haha. :D

p/s : lma xkesini. :)

Zaidatul Abu Bakar said...

woohoo.. totaly agree... but dont u think ashley olsen mcm kurus like a walking skeleton lately.. even pipi dia pun dah cengkung giler...

safwan said...

perlu ke jennifer garner nak jilat2....

Moja Amin said...



OMG. Mmg bias.

helanistic.herneo said...

mike shinoda mmg sexxayyy.
herne lagi sexxaaayy..hahah!

Anonymous said...

nak buat jugak!!!

sorry nashy!
mahu buat jugak!
it looks interesting!!!

tapi x per..I'll give credit!!

Anonymous said...

oh I believe that we're sharing the same interests with some of the women..

aina said...

everyone's yummy but mike shinoda?

Nashrah Khan said...

romzi, oh she is certainly lovable :D yessss its cute isnt it hehehehehe. i think all his poses are cute. sighh

Nashrah Khan said...

irma, hehe glad u agree with me :D 2la kann. bile cantik, kite jd x puas hati. pastu kutuk. pastu rase berslh. but i just cant help myself to look at them hehee

p.s: oh singgah la slalu! :D

Nashrah Khan said...

kak atul, aah cengkung jgk tp dier mmg cantik tau kak atul. nnt sya tunjuk 1 picture tu make up dier sgt minimal and natural and sgt pretty hehe

Nashrah Khan said...

safwan, hmm i think bile dier wat camtu konon cam sexy kot? i pun xtau hahaha

Nashrah Khan said...

moja, hahahahahahaha i lupe! britney is beautifull. nnt u wat ur own list and ltk semue gmbr brit. mase dier blonde, brunette, mase pregnant, mase mude, mase skrg, etc hahaha

Nashrah Khan said...

hern, yess mike shinoda sgt hooot! okla u pun hot jgk wootwoot! :))

Nashrah Khan said...

acad, oooh buat la! :D i nk tgk ur list plak hehehe

Nashrah Khan said...

aina, ooh aina he is hot :)) when he raps semue, haihhh ill melt tauu haha