
Dear friends, I'm considering on making this blog private. A lot of the time, this is the place where I pour my heart out and I've learned it is a really, really bad move. Now I feel really sh*tty. Or I'd probably create a whole new one and make that one private. Sort of like a real diary, for my eyes only. Yeah, maybe that. Or just to be on the safe side, you guys can give me your emails in case I go with the first option. Thanks.

5 tissues:

Anonymous said...

here's mine: :)

irma-ain ibrahim said...

then i cant be ur silent reader anymore. tsk tsk. :'(

Zaidatul Abu Bakar said...

alaa.. me too plz.. i love to read ur blog lerr..

S.H.A.Z.A. said...

what?? private? n0oooooooo!!