my "sakinah"

Menangis tadi ketika berdoa. "Terima kasih ya Allah kerana Engkau telah memberi ku peluang untuk berjumpa dengan keluargaku, walaupun sekejap. Dan aku bersyukur untuk masih memiliki keluarga yang sihat dan saling sayang-menyayangi." 

My heart is at ease when seeing them all perfect and well, without any reservations. They reaffirm my purpose of being here, teaching. To make them proud and to serve others. I can't wait to get my first pay, so I can spoil them rotten. Though not much, but the looks that will be displayed on their faces when experiencing it are surely to be priceless, and can possibly make me the happiest person alive. 

Alhamdulillah ya Allah.

0 tissues: