Can someone be in love yet, is cynical towards it? Seems unlikely.. till you meet me. A living, breathing example.
Tabik spring lah to anyone yang nak kahwin sangat/ dah kahwin.
Or am I just really a bitter person inside? I hate knowing how love can make you blind, make you do the most stupid things, tear your heart, and still be one of the best feelings you could ever experience. Perhaps, I'm being unkind to love. Perhaps, the thing I detest is on the matter of romance and relationships. Man, how can people get married, or are dreaming to? Because honestly, I don't see myself bowing my head in shyness upon listening to the man during solemnization anytime soon. Maybe the time will come, maybe it won't. Right now for sure, I'm not holding my breath waiting for it.
Tabik spring lah to anyone yang nak kahwin sangat/ dah kahwin.
1 tissues:
Oh my, this is a shocker from you. But you're absolutely not a bitter person, inside or out. :)
It's just that perhaps it's commitment that you're worried about. You just love so much that you're afraid that you could make him sad. Or.. the issue of expectations. I know how dreamy you are (because we're almost similar, you see) and us, dreamers sometimes just fall flat when our dreams arent fulfilled. In other words, we expect too much. Thus, the unreadiness to commit.
But I wont worry about you. You'll be happy. I know you will.
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