9:47 PM
achoo-ed by
Nashrah Khan
- To dry your hair by sitting in front of a fan and start to imagine you're in a music video.
- To be reminded that you are loved, always.
- To have that last piece of food, any food.
- To watch an oh-so-cute kitten rolling around and falling asleep.
- Exchanging banter with your father and sister.
- To cry in your doa after praying. Haven't felt so close to Him in quite awhile.
- To have people evaluate your presentation and to find out that most of them are encouraging and positive.
- Laughing at and with your sister for screaming like crazy as if she saw a ghost when she really saw a tiny, innocent frog.
- To eat ice-cream after meals.
- To have the ice-cream containing only 60 calories, so no guilt trips.
- To see a Poslaju package after a long day of studying/ assignments.
- To see smiles of friends.
- The victorious feeling after completing an assignment.
- To catch someone looking at you/ checking you out.
- To laugh with your Atuk over silly people on tv.
- To discover you half-memorized the Yaasin after two years of reciting them every week because you know what verse comes after the other, though not often.
- To actually have the time to recite the Quran after Maghrib prayers.
- To hear your parents laugh.
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