11:06 AM
achoo-ed by
Nashrah Khan
.. in my head.
I want a simple long sleeved black maxi dress similar to this...
...topped with this feathered cover..
..or maybe with a fur (faux of course) vest..for MPG...I'll think of shoes and bag later.
Told you I'm a big time dreamer!
7 tissues:
i'm soo in love with that maxi dress! but still can't find the for own self.
ps: me too :)
and ps: u'll look good in it! nk tgk~
erk, i thought the theme is traditional?
Syafiqah, kann? it's quite hard to find. I did find some online but they were either sold out, the length is too short or it's too body fitting :S
Hajar, hee xtau jumpa ke tak tp kalau dapat, bestnyaa :D
Apis, oh post ni nash tulis before meeting td hehe. and traditional is one of the suggestions je. tp it was between traditional/ arabian nights. boring :s
yup betul....always end up with frustrating.aihh..tp hari tu i de jumpa satu blog shopping online ni.sekali terjumpa dgn maxi dress mcm u post ni.sukeee tapi xbeli lagi..ehehe...
sharing kot2 u belum jumpe tgk lg blog ni :)
omg i bought the dress! i beli yg sleeveless nye in grey hehe:) i nak yg long sleeve tu tp length dia pendek, so sad :/ u beli la! i rasa ok :)
ye ke?wow..ni yg rse nk beli juga.ohh..kalo sleeveless tu nnti ble match dgn cardigan or coat mcm kat atas ni.style!
psst...da pakai nnti post la.nk tgk ^.^
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