major foodie

Inspired by Wan.

List of food I miss to eat:

  1. Pizza, of any kind.
  2. A&W waffles
  3. Scrumptious cakes. (Secret Recipe ones are not as good as what they used to be..)
  4. Spaghetti (like Julia Roberts ate in Eat, Pray, Love)
  5. Burger Oblong Daging Black Pepper 
  6. Nasi Lemak Paru Jati (just had this the other night)
  7. Nasi beriyani
  8. Serai's pavlova and Tab Tim Grob
  9. A set of white rice, tomyam soup and kailan ikan masin
  10. Paddington Pancakes's pancakes..
  11. The meatball somethingsomething from Williams
  12. Upstairs's spaghetti carbonara
  13. Nasi Ayam Gemas

2 tissues:

Luruninia Shuib said...

have to agree with u that secret recipe's cake is no longer as good as b4

Nashrah Khan said...

kan kan. i miss the classic cheese cake. they don't make those anymore :(