The Chosen One

The first time I watched this video, I cried. I miss our Prophet so much. It's so remarkable really, to miss someone you have never met, only solely based on verses you read in the Quran; God's words. He's the most perfect being, and as much as I try to follow his ways, I find myself stumbling along the way. Different kinds of scenario and dilemma that we go through each day sometimes hinder the goodness in us to come through and let our bad side appear instead. We, as Muslims should always, always strive to possess his qualities. It may be quite a challenge for some of us, me definitely included, but the fact that we try to change ourselves for the better, that is what Allah loves to see and while we still have our lives, we must live to please Him. Things will get better from there, InsyaAllah. 


p.s: Thank you Maher Zain, for highlighting the beauty of our Prophet even more.

2 tissues:

Chibiblupblup said...

salam. you could say i'm a reader, or a fan. just wanna say hi. you are among the writers that i always wish would write more. keep it up sista.:)

Nashrah Khan said...

Wslm sis. Oh me oh my, this is the first time I have ever received a comment like this! I'm so happy to make you wish such a thing. insyaAllah, I'll try but I can't really promise you much because I'm bombarded with assignments every week. But I really do love to write. You made my day. Thanks dear!