4 more days
This hiatus has been too long and has agonized the crap out of me. Weekly vampire fix is much needed!
I'm sure some need a Stefan and Elena fix (since they were last seen patching things up :)
Or for some, only Damon..solely Damon..
and yep, I think that's it.
Kidding. There's so much more to it than good looking main characters. :p
As for me, I've missed all three :)
There's the issue about Elijah and this Klaus guy, and a new wolf girl in town whom Damon had provoked which I'm sure chaos will ensue...The father-and-son warlocks and how the son was actually using Bonnie but we all know that somehow will change... Katherine's fate in the tomb... Alaric and Jenna...Jeremy's futile (in my opinion) longing for Bonnie...However, aside from all that, I can't wait to feast my eyes on more Caroline & Tyler's budding "friendship".
They are too cute for words. Star-crossed "friends". I really love that kind of relationship on tv. Makes it all more exciting. But poor Matt though. He seemed to be forgotten the last time we saw him. I hope the writers planned some good action, or his looks and charm will be sadly wasted. I'm sure most viewers would want to see more of him. He just pops in and out from time to time tending tables at Mystic Grill.

Are you excited as I am? I'm wriggling my toes and bobbing my head side to side as we speak. Mark your calendars!
1 tissues:
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