
Assalamualaikum, heya people! I haven't updated in a loong while and I really, really miss writing. I used to write a lot; poems lah, lists lah, guess I just got really uninspired by anything these days. This cannot go on for long though, if not, I'll day dream in this "honeymoon" period forever. The situation's really serious. I didn't even bother to check out my results last night, because my supervisor had previously told me I'd unofficially passed my practicum. So berlagak right? Can't believe I stooped down to this level. But anyway, alhamdulillah I did pass, although I didn't attain 4.0 GPA like some of my friends did, but I was close. Really, really close. Nevertheless, I am grateful :)

Okay stop babbling and start updating!

What I've been up to:
  1. Went to Korea for the 3rd time, and Seoul is still the same cool, amazing city when I last left it. Walked around, shopped a lot, fell in love. I want to go again!
  2. Constructed a blog shop with Amer. I'm slowly making profit and I'm happy! Thank goodness the post office is a stone's throw away from my house so I have it quite easy. Now I'm just worried I won't have any clothes to sell anymore! (Eh ceh, cakap macam ramai orang beli je..)
  3. Gym sessions still up and running, though no changes are seen on my physique. But honestly, I think I'm more fit now. I don't feel so tired after jogging anymore :) I used to huff and puff like mad. There were even people asking me whether I have asthma, and I don't!
  4. Gym sessions also give me the opportunity to hang out with my girlies, Banana and Celery regularly, as opposed to two or three times per semester break! Why didn't we think of this before?
  5. Spending as much time as I possibly can on tv series that are accessible online. Still religiously addicted to TVD and Glee every week and I plan to keep up with them until the end of the year :p
  6. Still finding my disposition to start AE. (Failing miserably every week.)

It's so hard to type out #6 there. Maybe.. I should kick it off right this instant. This holiday is rapidly moving and I can't waste one more second of it. Toodles!

    0 tissues: