when jackie met jazzy

It was really weird on how we had never thought about doing this before, Amer and I. We were a bit astonished with ourselves when this idea came about. Took about 18 months for us to sit down and chat and suddenly go into Bananas in Pyjamas mode. You know, when both B1 and B2 are thinking of the same thing, and B1 would go like "Are you thinking what I'm thinking, B2?" And B2 would reply, "Yes! Are you thinking what I'm thinking B1?" "It's _________ time!" Combining our interests and effort together, we will give birth (bahahaha) to a little somethin' somethin' for the whole world (yes, not a fib) to see and enjoy :) Can't wait! Will let you know next week, or the week after that, InsyaAllah. In the mean time, do stay tune!

0 tissues: