what is left

  1. Method Lit microteaching - tomorrow
  2. SLA presentation. 3 weeks of waiting and because of own carelessness :'(
  3. Asian Lit 2nd Quiz
  4. Method Lit 2nd quiz - 16th April
  5. CM 2nd quiz - 17th April
  6. Grammar microteaching - 17th April
  7. Shakespeare's TOTS scrapbook - 16th April
  8. Grammar Literature Review 

I'm effin tired. I'd like to let loose a bit tonight. Maybe watch a movie on the laptop, or some Vampire Diaries episodes, listen to some old albums downloaded by Amer, or just catching up on my zzz's. Hope all's well with you dearies. It's okay, just a little bit more :)

5 tissues:

anonymous said...

dun worry. semester 6 will be a memorable history in our life by next week.

PS: nice layout. simple. :)

Anonymous said...

good luck nashrah! you can do it! :D

Nashrah Khan said...

Taufik, yup! it's been a rough couple of months and i hv to say that i might miss all that despite the torture. and esp u guys:( oh thanks! i really wanted smtg minimal :)

Vaaann, i baru tau this is u! i didnt know b4 hehe. thank u! gluck to u too! :)

Anonymous said...

hehe..it's my aim to be anonymous in this blogging realm so no worries :D thank u too!

Ain Jaflis said...

I recognise the name tag! heee :)