One of my dream destinations to visit (again), or probably even better, live in. For some reason, my parents and even my aunt brought up the matter on my plan in pursuing Masters after retrieving my Bachelor's Degree next year (InsyaAllah) today, yes both of them,  but on separate occasions of course, and they suggested UK or Australia. They asked me to do research and fill in forms right away, in order to secure a scholarship or to act on another option, which is to go study first, and then only apply for a loan. Oh my goodness I would love toooo. 

But first, I need to breathe.

Practicum is just months away, and I don't even think I'm ready. Masters? Oh God, I need to sit down.

11 tissues:

Moja Amin said...

OMG. I tadi dok belek MBA programs in UiTM Prospectus book. I'm thinking to pursue in Business Management. (cewah, dah taw dah nama course!)

Here are the options;

1. Kerja. A CIMB executive offered me kerja in HR. But sure work like dogs maaa!
2. Pilot. The dream of my life, tapi kena belajar full-time for 2 years. Crap. But lepas 2 years tu, will be so rewarding.
3. MAS. Internship dekat MAS, and kerja as HR personnel. That doesn't sound so bad either.
4. UiTM. Sambung Master in Business Management.

I can't leave Malaysia, I think. I'm so in love with her. Hahaha! No nasik lemak, no roti canai, teh tarik will drive me nuts.

The real deal is, I don't know what I want to be nanti. That's the hardest part. Erghhhhh!

I need a counsellor. Or a psychiatrist. :(

zawani badri said...

good for you nash :) wanie nie xde rancangan lagi after grad. pathetic kan? :(

Nor Afiqa said...

aww.. nashy best nya.. what a lucky girl. and now afroze is in UK, soon awak pulak.. T_T

hajar :: aisyah said...

my dad wants me study uk t0o!!
and i cant wait.

i miss uk so much~

naveed ahmad khan said...
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Nashrah Khan said...

Moja, OMG you have a really really bright future ahead of u! u can choose any of the 4 options u got and i know that u will succeed in any path u take! num 3 sounds tempting:) tp same laaahh! i pun xtau nk jd ape! :((( mmg kne jumpe counsellor lps ni haih.

Wani, oh thank u:) tp seriously i dunno what i want to be lg :/ going to uk ni pun x sure. tp mmg teringin sgt2. and parents pun mntk suro pegi. insyaAllah:)

Fiqa, huu kte xtau lg. tp parents kte dah duk tanye :/ mmg best kalau dpt g. jomlaaa g same samee! :D

Hajar, kan kan? parents mmg suke UK haha. ayah kte x bg g US. tp us cam best heee.

ayunimadarina said...

hihihihih. nk join!goodluck for ur future undertakings dear.

prayer along!

Nashrah Khan said...

aww thanks Ted! my prayers are with u too! :*

Nor Afiqa said...

jom? i wish! but i'm too tired for masters. heee... i wish u all the best gf! :)

Moja Amin said...


Amin for your words, but still will not stop me from worrying. Go to UK lah, Nash! I want to kirim things from there. Hehehehe! boleh kan? In return, I post roti canai segera. you gonna miss that food. Hahaha!

Nashrah Khan said...

Fiqa, hehe kte pun fikir blk, pnat buat degree, masters pun camne la nnt. degree ni pun x hbs lg -_-" thank u syg!

Moja, i knoww righttt. i was being serious too. i think we realy shld meet a counsellor to sort out our future. nnt kte buat appointment :D xpe moja, dont wory so much. u can do it :) hahahaha insyaAllah! kalau i dpt g UK, of course i belikan things if u want. and yes, smtg in return is necessary. x kesah ape jenis food msia, i nak! hahaha