the (longest) four pages ever.

I really really want to blog at this point, and not write this reflective essay. Why why why do other classes are allowed to write only a page while the rest of us have to write four? Really, it just baffles me. And for 10%. Yes, it is a lot actually, in case your on-going marks aren't very promising to secure you an A for the subject and the 10% will come to the rescue but four pagesss? To reflect on your microteaching in detail? I have a test tomorrow night and on Sat morning and I have to teach grammar after that. Why doesn't life understand meee? :(((( (saje je buat mengada-ngada ni. tengah stuck, tak ada idea.)

$%$#&^@^%$! .

5 tissues:

Valossa Vicious said...

Gosh! Other classes one page only? Now I'm in dilemma too!

Nashrah Khan said...

yess! they only write the reflection like the one we did during mtls. i really dont mind but the confusing instructions really get to me. so hard la to do this :s oh gluck btw!

Valossa Vicious said...

Yes, the instructions are really confusing! What does she really want? That's the biggest problem about this. Good luck for you too!

zawani badri said...

i hate it as well! i siapkan n trus anto tanpa check2!

Nashrah Khan said...

Joe and Wani, yeay dah hntr! :D hehe