
Two are in Shah Alam but are studying in the main campus. Yup, main campus UiTM yang besar yang susah gila nak terserempak tu.
One is in Manchester. Millions of miles away.
The last one is doing her practicum in Batang Berjuntai.

Busy as a bee, got no time to go out, and is dead tired most of the time.

So how? :'(

p.s: oh btw, the title is not a new type of fish, but a combination of our names.
 Afiqa (Ika), Anna, Ain, Nashrah, Afroze hehe.

4 tissues:

Unknown said...

loving the new layout!!

Nor Afiqa said...

awww.. a combination of our names :) i really miss the old days T_T

Ain Jaflis said...

Auw :)

hehe .fish name? miss you hunny!

Nashrah Khan said...

thanks Syaza! i was bored with the old one and google je mane yg ade hehe

Fiqa, heee saje je, xtau nk ltk title ape. i miss u guys so much. and esp the one kat Manchester tu huu. kte kene kuar together jgk! :s

Ain, heee sajee :"> miss u too sweetie!