Once upon a time, when I was a little girl, about 6 or 7 can't really recall, my parents brought us three (Sheen wasn't born yet) to Perth, Australia for a 5-day vacation. Everything was lovely and it was autumn at the time I think, because I remember the crisp brown leaves on the grass that I just loved to step on because they made the most crunchiest sound. The air was cool and we had a really nice tour guide, Uncle Berry (?), not sure, my memory is really bad, and we went to all sorts of places. One of them was the Underwater World. You know, the place where they kept all the sea-life creatures, so it's supposed to be fun. Little did I know, I was majorly TERRIFIED OF THEM.
Once I was in, I couldn't stop crying. My dad had to carry me all throughout the visit and I couldn't lift an eyelid because I was so scared. Like really really scared. Like seeing ghosts kinda scared. And this phobia or fear remains until today. Like, if you ask me to go with you to Aquaria, all you will get is a horrified look from me. I just can't.
But that wasn't the last time. When I was 12, I got to go to Japan for an exchange program and one of the places that required us to visit was of course, the Underwater World there. I had no choice but to force myself to enter it. Hello, when will be the next time I can ever go to Japan again? I had to suck it up. I still remember my friend laughing at me and knowing I was scared, provoked my fear even more by pushing me or steering me towards the fishes. That was the last time.
Tomorrow, my youngest sister, Sheen will have a four-day holiday and my parents are planning to bring her to where else? Aquariaaaaaaaaa. Dag nabbit.
And of course, the limited time I get to spend with her prompts me to follow them there. But helllloooo I cannoootttt. I have three options:
- Face my childish fear and just enter the darn place and ooh and aah at all the fishes and exit swiftly. No taking pictures, no "Sheen, tengok tu, gigi shark tu cantik nyaaa! (even writing this, goosebumps are forming on the back of my neck)
- Face my childish fear and just enter the darn place BUT without glasses on. I'll be blind and I won't even know if I'm standing beside an octopus or a piranha. (again, cue goosebumps here.)
- Go window shopping/read books at Kino/jalan-jalan while they're in there. My mum gave me this option. But I'm gonna miss out on all the fun. And my fear won't be conquered. If not now, when?
I got to make a decision. I got to be brave. I am a fearless 22 year old and I can face anything. (Yeah right.)
Gah, having fears suck.
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