food for ears #4

One of my favourite songs ever from one of my favourite bands. I have dedicated this to my family, Amer, all my friends in FB, and now in Blogger. I hope you'll think it's sweet too. :)

nitenite xx

4 tissues:

Natalia Buia said...

Ah, thanks for posting this. I haven't listened to this song in ages!

aina said...

nash, i love ur new layout!ur blog, fira's and moja's has inspired me to change my layout as well.mine's too PINK.pening kepala tgk.

Nashrah Khan said...

oh thanks aina! i boring tgk d clouds tp i ske sgt. tp i rase they were a bit budak2 ish and i nk plain je. i like urs! it suits u in a way hehe. if u nk change, u can just google and pilih the "minimalist" types if u nk kosong like me. :)