
with Ashley's shoes!
Where can I get a similar pair in a much lower price?
That's gotta be thousands of dollars. sigh.

with Karla's outfit! (Karla's Closet)
I love the blazer, the shoes, the sunglasses too, and especially the lace see-through dress!
Me myself is puzzled with my current obsession with lace.
But most of all, I want her hair.

I love the blazer, the shoes, the sunglasses too, and especially the lace see-through dress!
Me myself is puzzled with my current obsession with lace.
But most of all, I want her hair.

Also, other than lace, I want to get meself a pair of boots. Yes, boots.
Malaysian weather does not always permit me to wear them but since I'm going to Korea in December and it's winter now, a pair of boots is almost an essential. And I have never owned one. So I'm excited.
But I've got to admit, I lala love this feeling... hehehe
Malaysian weather does not always permit me to wear them but since I'm going to Korea in December and it's winter now, a pair of boots is almost an essential. And I have never owned one. So I'm excited.
In the time being, I am going through a fashion frenzy. Seeing new things online makes me go crazy and the urge to resist buying them is so much harder than resisting food and water during Ramadhan. Yes, it is that crazy. Istighfar Nashrah oi...
But I've got to admit, I lala love this feeling... hehehe
2 tissues:
i was reading this when i browsed thru ur HK pics in fb.. so teruja when u said nak gi korea, i tertulis korea in my status..
pardon the silly me~
nashraaaah, korea pulak after this?
alaa jelesnyee.
how was HK btw? :)
yes yes buy the boots! If Malaysia had winter, I'd wear boots everyday! :D
oh, the shoes. charles and keith have very affordable ones. because their products are of synthetic leather. so why dont u go have a look.
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