is this how it feels like?

"After his departure, the girl went back to her room, feeling dumbfounded. She looked around, gazing at everything and at once. Nothing. They were the same, not changed nor special. She laid her bag by her bed, removed all her clothes except her undergarments and turned on some French music. A melancholic one. This feels good, she thought, after bathing herself under hot, sweltering sun. Slowly, she crawled onto her bed, positioned herself into a fetal position, took her plushed toy duck she had since she was an infant, and held on to it tight. The girl closed her eyes and waited. Waited for the pain to subside, the pain of longing and missing. She waited and waited and soon, like a baby tired of cooing, dozed off. Her mind went into a dream. In it, she was on a carousel, and it kept going and going, not signalling to ever stop. Is this how it feels like?"

0 tissues: