I hate them. The hugs, the well wishes, the tears and awkward laughs in between, the goodbyes, and lastly, the waving hands, not stopping until you see the last bit of them going through the passport check. Then this feeling would come and hit you right in the gut. For some, it comes fast like a shooting star in the sky. Others, it will creep in slowly. Like ink dissolving in clear water. Though the ways differ, it affects just the same. Like a deep hole in the ground, that is how you will feel. Empty and hollow. Like one piece of a 500-piece puzzle gone missing. Located somewhere that takes time for you to find. It is incomplete. You have become incomplete. The only thing that will keep you together is a promise, some invisible ties in between, in which you will remember each other, and they will be in your thoughts and your heart always. It isn't easy to keep such promise when you yourself is busy handling a hectic life, while she is on the other side of the world, doing just the same.
I'm finding myself already missing you but I know you will be okay. You've always been strong, you've always helped me to stay strong from high school years till now. You know I'll always be there for you. We have Facebook and MSN and YM and the phone. Call me up whenever you need me, and I'm there. Though the bill won't be so friendly.
And perhaps I could save up some money (ok not some but a whole lot of it) and go to Manchester, to you. Maybe we can check out Old Trafford together :)
Two years. Ngeh, that's an awfully short time.
Love you Nurul Afroze :)

We'll have sessions like these again in no time.
0 tissues:
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