swish swish

I miss you yadayadayada!

I've left you for so long. Ok maybe not that long, last entry was on Friday, but I haven't written much like I used to. I do log in and check out other people's blog updates but when it comes to my own, I just don't know what to write about, unless there's an event happening, like the fabulous GTKY that happened yesterday (will try to blog about it after this, or tomorrow insyaAllah hehe) or my Atuk's khatam ceremony (is it a ceremony? what's majlis in english? ceremony la kan? ok abaikan). Usually I would vent my feelings or whole heart into this thing, but yeah I've used my energy for other things. Now that it's over, there will be upcoming projects and I am excited, but people need to take a breather too right?

So if you haven't heard yet, UiTM Shah Alam will be closed down next week because of the H1N1 flu and as scary as it is, most of my coursemates who live far, far away are estatic over this because they get to go home and I'm very happy for you guys. I know some of you are homesick so yeay, you've gotten your wish :D But on the downside, this will be our semester break which means our Raya holiday in September (I think) will be cut short. Boo.

This 1 week-holiday is clearly needed but somehow I wish we don't have to have a holiday now. Just because of everything; classes, tests, etc, will be postponed and some things have to be rushed. But it is for safety precautions and it is a worldwide pandemic so we don't really have a choice.

Ok I think I've typed a lot already and it's sufficient enough for a two-day hiatus. Will write more soon! hehee :)

p.s: The title of this entry is inspired by Mary's poem. Konon-konon the act of me dusting my blog because of the lack of updates. Go ask her to have a read hehehe.

2 tissues:

Azie Nazri said...

Booo too.

(for the cuti raya part)

Nashrah Khan said...

Azie, hehehe tu laa. now we feel the keseronokan of a 1 week holiday but later nanti kene pulun hbs aiyoo