
Sorry guys, but I've decided to make yadayadayada private. At first, it was because of certain people I wished to not read my blog but then it was because of an entirely different reason. Somehow, I felt my blog was too open, too transparent for people to read and know how I feel. People mentioned there, are strangers, people whom I don't know at all and I guess I'm scared what I write might be used against me or something. Yes yes I'm being paranoid, I mean sape je lah baca blog ni pun hahaha. Oh I crack myself up.

Don't get me wrong, I've tried numerous times to write something totally general, not personal at all but this is who I am I guess. I write how I feel, I write about the things I go through, good or bad, and I don't think I can stop being myself. If we'd be someone else when writing, then we can be considered as impostors. Betul tak kawan-kawan? Ceh, macam btul je.

So I've checked my blog list and I've invited you guys to have the privilege to view my blog already. Apa tunggu lagi? Pegi accept cepat!

Oodles and oodles of hugs and kisses,