a wedding and two sore feet

I should have given those gladiator heels a million second thoughts before putting them on to report for duty as a flower girl/pemberi bunga telur kpd 2000 guests. If my feet could speak, they would scream instead of asking me nicely to remove the shoes. But it's been ages since I've been a flower girl, so I didn't mind much. Congratulations to my cousin, Kak Nana who had just gotten married on Friday to her Abg Rihan. I'm happy for you. :)

Here are some pictures taken by my cousin, Abg Ezry. It was beautiful. berangan...

semua single. pilih cepat. hahaha.

Rihan Mohamad and Irni Eliana Khairuddin

Me, Jwa and Falahany

The newlyweds, the cameramen and woman, and the videographer

After obtaining a degree and a masters, she's off to pursue her PhD now.
Hopefully in another year or so, with a kid in tow. InsyaAllah :)


More pictures at my facebook. Erm if you want to see lah. If you're suddenly interested in weddings.

As for my feet?
Was soaked and lathered with lotion and sock-ed. Now they're fine. :)

9 tissues:

ayunimadarina said...


taksabar nk tgk urs plak :P

warna apa la agaknye eh

Zaidatul Abu Bakar said...

wah.. one of the org kuat dibelakang tabir dan didepan tabir...hehe.. mestilaa sakit skit kaki kan?.. heheh.. i think i agree with ur friend yg nafasdunia tuh ckp.. ye laa.. x sabar tunggu ur wedding gak.. and ano's and matun's and jwa's..and sheen's... and falahani's, farisha's..OMG bnyk nyer girl cousin...not to forget the boys...fuh! hope saya panjang umur. Dapat tgk u all nyer wedding semua.. ;) wouldnt wanna miss it for the world.. ;)

Azie Nazri said...

ohhh they look perfect together.

Nashrah Khan said...

hehehe hajar cam ckp kat kte plak hehehe. thanks! :)

Nashrah Khan said...

waaa lame lg tu tedy hehehe. nash tau tedy nye colour ape. colourful! :D

Nashrah Khan said...

kak atul, hahaha xdela. sya yg silap pilih kasut! nk sgt pakai high heels dah sakit kaki plak. nyesal sgt hehe. waa sya nye lmbt lg. sya rase kak no nye la lps ni. pastu kak matun hehe. i cant wait to see them get married too :D

Nashrah Khan said...

azie, oh yes they do kan? :) jodoh :D

Irni Eliana said...

Thanks a lot my dear. Nanti kite pegi spa foot massage k. love u.