taihen desu ne (penuh perasaan)

Things to do:

  1. Be more outspoken
  2. Don't get all shy for no reason. No one's looking at you.
  3. Be confident woman!
  4. Have your own mind.
  5. Socialize more.
  6. Be genuinely nice to everyone.
  7. Not too nice. Be accordingly nice and firm. Don't be a doormat.
  8. Take a breather every time you feel the nerves are coming. No one's rushing you into anything. You control yourself, not others.
  9. Always, always think positive.
  10. Read more; the latest news and events, happenings around the world, the whole enchilada.
  11. Do research!
  12. Smile more. Be friendly. Talk a lot. Make jokes. yep
  13. Ask friends who are experts in managing all sorts of things. Nak cari Syamil.
  14. Ok bertafakur jap. ohmmm.

I can do this, yes I can. It is all in the mind beybeyh.

7 tissues:

ayiem said...

hola hola nashrah....nanti i link blog u ekk...bru jumpe... :P

Fitriah said...

i like no 3!
we should be confident n independent women!:)

Nashrah Khan said...

fahim, yeay u jumpe i kat sini hehe. ok ok i will link you too :)

Nashrah Khan said...

fitriah! i xtau u ade blog hehe. nnt i link u jgk. yes we must :D or else we will be put down. hehe smgt je i ni

Fitriah said...

haha..dats the spirit darl!
aite..i wil link u too:)