saya pun ada kawan bernama pana
hehe sorry Wani for copying the title of your post, but I really did intend to write on her. Ms. Farhana bt Zarkafar.
I just wanted to say...

I just wanted to say...

Omedeto tomodachi! Congratulations for making the cut! You're going to Japan! To JAPAN! I bet for someone like you who loves everything Japanese, it's like a dream come true. I'm really, genuinely ecstatic for youu! Can't wait to see you so I can scream "Omedeto!" out loud :))
Hontou ni shiawase da :)
Hontou ni shiawase da :)
8 tissues:
She's the most perfect person to go there, I must say!
must worth every penny spent on her! kan?
Sometimes I think she should change her citizenship! she's 3/4 japanese! hahahaha
nape die dpt pi sane?
it's okay cik nash!
i'm proud of her!
mmg impian die dr first tyme wani kenal die...
blum tgk bilik die kat melaka ade
grammar jepun die tmpl kat dinding ;)
ops! sori pana!
TAG!!! ur it!!!
moja, yes very! every penny spent is definitely worth it :) hahaha i think so too. even walking with her feels like i'm walking with a foreigner haha
teddy, oh ni cam exchange program and dier terpilih out of all the students yg amik Japanese at the faculty. sensei personally chose dier. besttt kaannn!
wani, haha tu la. happy sgt sgt utk dier tau :D its like a dream come true. hahaha yeke? i think pana bley jd Jepun celup haha
sheikh, ok ill be right on it haha
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