NK's tip of the day

#2 Venturing into something new is great;
means you're brave enough to do it.
But being too proud to ask for help?
That's just stupid, my friend.

6 tissues:

ayunimadarina said...



nash,need ur help.

AA said...

Words of wisdom from Oprah....oopps...Nashrah. XD

Azie Nazri said...

Hehehe Oprah, Nashrah. Rhyme lah! Good sign tu. :p

I do that sometimes. Being bodoh sombong. :(

Btw, I love your idea and your tips are just so true. Looking forward for more!

Nashrah Khan said...

tedy, hehe thanks :) haa nape? whats wrong? u ok? msg me!

Nashrah Khan said...

sheikh, ooo u saje perli eh hahaha. thanks :P :))

Nashrah Khan said...

azie, hahahaa but its a bad rhyme tho haha.

oh me too sbnarnye :"< but these tips are actually for me too, a way nk sdrkan diri hehe.

oh thanks! i hope i can think of better ones :D