my own lesson

When I was 16, I went on a date with this guy. It was my first time and he came to my house so we can ride the bus together. Yes, time tu sekolah lagi kan so what do you expect? Ok sambung.

After I salam-ed my mother and was about to go walk down the road (the bus stop was just behind my house), my mother said "Kalau jatuh, pandai-pandai bangun sendiri." I didn't know what she meant at the time. Me, being the doofus that I am, thought she meant the shoes that I was wearing, this 3-inch wedges. If I would fall, don't let him touch you by picking you up or something. I was puzzled for a second, and said "erm, okay. bye Ma."

Well, it was my first longest relationship, and the dumbest as well. I was far from being a mature 16-year old and so was he. So it ended. Even if it was dumb, I really did like the guy. Yelah, 16 and suka berangan and time-time sekolah. Cinta monyet/young love; everything appeared nice. Just appeared, it was not truly nice. But I wanted so bad for it to work so I was heartbroken. I wallowed for a while. A long period of 'while.'

Out of the blue, long after the 'while', the words of my mother from the first date suddenly came to me. At that moment, only then I understood clearly what she meant. I am on my own. I decided to be friends with this guy, so if he hurts me, I have to find ways to mend it myself, not depend on anyone else.

An unconventional way of teaching your daughter about independence and love, but I appreciate it. It worked. I'm turning 21, have gone through the most challenging of relationships, but I pulled through. With the help of only myself. (well, some good friends too but you know what I mean). Thanks Ma.

5 tissues:

Azie Nazri said...

Woww, your mom actually said that? I mean, being that symbolic? Wahhh, I'm impressed. At 16, if my mom caught me dating, there would be no symbolism involved. Only burning-red-ears-'advices'. Hehehe

Moja Amin said...


My mom, secretly kept several letters from a girl that admired me from Cameron Higland! How cool is that?

up until now, before he hung up the phone, she'll say "xpyah nak ber-awek-awek lagi, topup pon mak kasi lagi". Gulp.

I always am just a lil boy in her eyes. Hahaha!

p/s: Mom, I'm TWENTY-TWO!

Anonymous said...

oh, that is deep Kak Sha.
I'm so inspired, you're strong.

hopefully I'll handle life the same way you do. ^-^

helanistic.herneo said...

what if she said,
"kalau terkoyak, pandai2lah.."


baju terkoyak?