i am high

Sheikh tagged me again. Thank you kind friend, I am honoured hehe. :)

The rules are simple.
~Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 6 people...

I am:

high on life, not drugs. and definitely not HSM. I had no choice people.

I really want to go:

ice-skating with friends.
making fun of yourself by falling on your butt is liberating !

My favourite place:

same as Sheikh's answer. There's no other place like home. :)

My favourite drink:

same as Azie's answer:) nothing beats a glass of cool plain water. It cleanses your body and purifies your skin. awet muda gitu.

My favourite food:

this was hard to choose. I have lots. But I really do find that it's hard to resist a plate of nasi beriani any day hee

My favourite colour:

all shades of blue. :)

but the weird thing is, when it comes to clothes, I really adore these two colours.

coral pink and,

grey. Aah, I want all of those up there!

My favourite show(s) :

The O.C
I know most people roll their eyes at the sight of the unrealistic appearances of 16 year-olds on the show or the sound of "California" blaring from the television, but this show has a sentiment of nostalgia for me. Hey, I was a 16 year-old once and The O.C made me believe I can do anything. Like steal a car, burn down a model home, dress like Wonder Woman or write a comic book for a guy, etc.

been a fan of these lovely ladies since high school!
Rory sangat cantikkk!

My hobbies:

listening to music

yomimasu :)

sleeeep zzzz

My wish:

to go to a spa!


1 tissues:

AA said...

You're welcome very much. 8D

p/s: Dorothy sure was right! haha