dream on

I don't care if he sleeps with his mouth open during lectures. If there ever was a guy in my faculty who looks like James Franco, it would be a dream come true. But of course, no one beats the real deal.

6 tissues:

Anonymous said...

i don't care too! hahaha :p this is so cute :)

Anonymous said...

haha, this is way too adorable!
James F. forever, maaaaan!

Thanks for cheering me up with this one, cousin. *grins*

Moja Amin said...


perasan james franco.

Nashrah Khan said...

aimi, hehehe cute guys je kte x kesah haha. yep very adorable :">

Nashrah Khan said...

eecha, yess James Franco forever! JFF hahaha. oh no problem. he's just too hard to resist :D

Nashrah Khan said...

moja, hahahahahhaaha. xpela ill let u go this time. u bley berangan jd james franco. after all dreams are free. hehehe