doing a happy dance
My first sight of this book was online at months ago but I never had the thought of it reaching our shores. I know it will find its way here soon. Little did I know that it has! My sister, Jwa had her friend who works at MPH lend the book to her for one day so she can bring it home and show me! And thank you so much Sya, for saving one for me! The MPH in SACC had only 5 copies and when I went there just now, there was only one left! And I know it was just screaming my name. Saw another book called "Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs", read the summary at the back, one reviewer said "Move over, Sookie Stackhouse", got hooked, went to the counter and ka-ching! This happened less than 10 minutes. Oh books, how on earth did you know I'm easily seduced? I hate you.

Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs by Molly Harper
I know I know, exam's not over yet. We haven't even done our first paper, yeah yeah I know. I'll save these for later. hmm. But maybe a sneak peak or two? Maybe finish them before next Thursday? I can't resist theemmmmmm wuuuuuuuu
p.s: Thanks Ma, Jwa and Pa for a lovely morning and afternoon. Love you.

Twilight: Director's Notebook by Catherine Hardwicke

I know I know, exam's not over yet. We haven't even done our first paper, yeah yeah I know. I'll save these for later. hmm. But maybe a sneak peak or two? Maybe finish them before next Thursday? I can't resist theemmmmmm wuuuuuuuu
p.s: Thanks Ma, Jwa and Pa for a lovely morning and afternoon. Love you.
2 tissues:
I saw that Twilight book too, and I flipped few pages, and I think its darn good. Very, very notebook-like with sketches and rough ideas, make-ups + costumes. But since I HATE the movie, I didn't really keen with the book. Hehehe.
But I LOVE the book because its so artsy-fartsy, I must say. Happy reading, Nashrah.
(and don't drool to much over Ed, okeh?)
moja, aah i knoww the movie kinda sucked, but i really am interested in seeing the process. but frustrated jgk tau cause in the book, it shows a lot of work tau. lots of plan, the storyboard, camne dier pilih outfit semue, cam very thorough. but then the movie was damn disappointing. cam 'huhh..'. but ill keep it as a collection :)
oh believe me, i aint drooling no more. well at least not until New Moon comes out hahaha
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