crush with eyeliner

taken from here

I love the makeup on the girl! Her eyelashes are thick with wads of mascara, eyes lined with eyeliner and cheeks powdered with orange/brown-coloured blush and her high cheek bones, and the nude lips, Ah!

Nadia, nak makeup camni...hehe

Oh click on the picture if isn't so clear. :)

5 tissues:

AA said...

Eyeliner? I have a crush on her!!! hahaha

ayunimadarina said...

hehehhe. :P

nadia jugak kan. hehe

Nashrah Khan said...

sheikh, hahahaha i lupe u pakai eyeliner! i have a crush on it too haha

Nashrah Khan said...

tedy, hahaha aah sape la lg yg pandai bab2 makeup ni hehe :D

Azie Nazri said...

ohh suke nude lips jugak!