
Warning: this post is not for anyone listed in my blog list or someone you think you know. serious, tak tipu.

I've never expressed anger here before. At least I think so. Sometimes I chose not to because people can easily think it's about them when it's really not. It's hard to be discreet and trying to convey your message clearly at the same time. Truth be told, I am angry right now. Enraged, though somehow I'm surprised at myself for able to control my composure in front of my family. It's crazy to think of someone you thought was decent enough, intelligent enough to not do anything so foolish to do just that. If you really want to express your feelings that involves other people, write in your diary or something but not definitely somewhere public. How do you think I'd feel? I have to handle this every freaking day and I'm tired because I have to force myself to smile and laugh and pretend everything's a-okay when it's not. You don't know because you don't live in this house. You don't see what we see and you definitely don't feel what we feel. You don't have to point out the bad things, you don't have to go into detail. Do you really want to add more drama to what's been done? This problem isn't easy for all of us. But congratulations because you just made it worse. I can just blast every four-letter words that I know to you but I won't because I respect you. I can call you up and yell at you like a crazy person for doing what you did. It's not illegal but it's wrong. It hurts and it's humiliating. It was not
necessary. You should have thought about it a thousand times. You should have at least have us in mind and think of the consequences. As much as I am angry and sad, I still hold back my feelings because there are such things called dignity and respect, and those aspects to me, are important to consider when it comes to family and I hold on to that. I believe people who do bad things change for the better. Condemnation is not the way. You might think it was just nothing, something insignificant. But you're awfully wrong. It isn't and I really really hope you can clearly see that.

And I really do need some tissues here after sneezing like crazy. Marah and sedih and berhingus memang tak best langsung. grr.

7 tissues:

hajar :: aisyah said...

the person is not THAT decent nor THAT intelligent, i can see.

*kite pon sakit hati kalo mcm tu

Anonymous said...

Patience my friend, patience!

It's a virtue and only some persons could achieve that and I, with no doubt feel that you can nashy.

Sang Petapa said...

phew!!! cooL eYh naSh...u reaLLy sCareD mE wHen u r aNgrY.huhu...bYk2 berSaBar k.i kNow u r veRy sTroNg & u r goNNa maKe iT tiLL d eNd...seSunGGuHnYa ALLAH berSaMa oraNg2 yaNg saBar...aMeeN...

Nashrah Khan said...

hajar, tu la kan. i cant do anything except be patient abt this. susahhhh. :/

Nashrah Khan said...

acad, oh thank u acad! yes im trying very hard. very very hard.

Nashrah Khan said...

miden, im really sorry i wat u terase! seriously wasnt my intention. i dah ok dah skrg, dah x mrh2 dah :D thanks! amin!

Moja Amin said...


comel btol post nih