PAP. (the sound of a slap)
karma karma karm carmen carm karma. i know i'm going through karma. seperti lagu Alicia Keys tu. "what goes around comes around what goes up must come down.." yes i am feeling it in every way. and i hate telling myself over and over again 'padan muke nashrah.' i suddenly remembered a friend on myspace. i added him because it was the first time i stumbled on a profile of a guy wearing serban and was 17 yrs old, living in Klang. i was intrigued and interested in his views. in one of our conversations, he talked about karma in religion. i can't remember what he talked about actually but it was wise. (sorry membazir masa anda baca 5 sentences yang ade kaitan tp tak ade isi ni).
the point is i am aware of my actions before and i knew what i did was terrible. i deserve every single bit of pain that i caused. but when does it end? when i want it to end? i can't because that means i have to throw away things that mean the world to me. yeah i'm hurt but it isn't fair to do so. when Allah decides to? i dunno when that's going to be either.
do i have to wait till it passes? because it seems to repeat itself over and over again and i keep thinking "this feeling will go away. you'll be ok in no time. you won't go to that place anymore." but i do and that same house is the one that i'll look back each time like Ryan did when he left the Cohens in Season 1. (saje nk menambah humor utk menghiburkan hati)
Ryan will always imagine Marissa there looking back at him as he stroll down the road in Theresa's car. he will always think of the cigarette they shared and how hot she looked. and he will always think of the last night they had together when she was dying in his arms. how he wished that he was dead instead of her. and how he can shred volchok to pieces.
certain things we can't just take it back. you can't say "oh i don't think i want this shirt in blue. red looks better on me instead," when you know it's not refundable. (lagi satu contoh utk menghiburkan hati) you just have to live with the choices that you make. and i made one that's 50/50 on both sides. whatever i do, somebody will get hurt. but in the end, you know that you will suffer the most.
Ryan will always imagine Marissa there looking back at him as he stroll down the road in Theresa's car. he will always think of the cigarette they shared and how hot she looked. and he will always think of the last night they had together when she was dying in his arms. how he wished that he was dead instead of her. and how he can shred volchok to pieces.
certain things we can't just take it back. you can't say "oh i don't think i want this shirt in blue. red looks better on me instead," when you know it's not refundable. (lagi satu contoh utk menghiburkan hati) you just have to live with the choices that you make. and i made one that's 50/50 on both sides. whatever i do, somebody will get hurt. but in the end, you know that you will suffer the most.
4 tissues:
yes, nashy, moe tu ape ye?
moe tu bile otakus like u and umar ckp tu girls yg cute! moe is cute! :))
ain't karma a bitch?
yes it is! sgt bitchy gile2 thp blair hahaha
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